الجمعة، 27 يوليو 2012

Quit Smoking Forever

Most of us, at some point in time, have enjoyed a cigarette or two without thought for our health. Perhaps you are someone who still enjoys smoking. Maybe you are getting annoyed by the increasing amount of anti tobacco legislation being introduced. You may see this legislation as anti freedom or a breach of your human rights. This anger could just be a means of hiding the fact that you are not prepared to admit that you are actually addicted to that little white stick?
People refer to nicotine addiction when they talk about the difficulties involved when you are trying to quit. Nicotine has been proven to be as addictive as heroin or cocaine – it makes you wonder why it is still legal! Nicotine invades every cell in your body from your brain to your blood vessels. It is found in breast milk and crosses freely across the placenta during pregnancy. The pregnant lady does not need to smoke herself for this to happen. Just being in a room used by smokers is sufficient.
Nicotine is extremely addictive – the more you smoke, the higher your tolerance level to this drug becomes. This means that you need to smoke more in order to derive the same pleasure from smoking. Doctors believe that nicotine inhaled via cigarette smoke reaches the brain quicker than intravenous drugs. This chemical interferes with the flow of information between your brain cells, acting in a similar way to some antidepressants. This accounts for some smokers becoming depressed when they quit as their brain craves this side effect of smoking. If you were on actual anti-depressants and suddenly quit, you would have similar side effects.
But nicotine is only one of the 4000 plus chemicals your cigarette contains. Over 10% of these chemicals are known to cause cancer.

It is hard to believe that tobacco companies are legally allowed to produce a product that contains so many carcinogenic compounds. But these chemicals don’t just increase your risk of cancer although 90% of lung cancers are caused by smoking. Smokers are three times more likely to die prematurely than their non smoking companions. They are more likely to become infertile and if they smoke whilst pregnant, or around their pregnant wife, the pregnancy has a higher chance of ending in miscarriage, stillbirth or low weight baby.
Smokers also suffer from some of the most rehabilitating and distressing illness known to man including but not limited to emphysema (leading to a slow very painful death), stroke, heart attack and bronchitis. My grandfather died of emphysema and to this day my abiding memory is him trying to get outside, oxygen tank in tow for one more cigarette. How he didn’t blow both of us up is beyond me. Not even the risk to his 12 year old granddaughter (who was obviously adorable!) was enough to stop him needing that smoke.
Some female smokers will spend fortunes on skin care treatments and cosmetic surgery in their quest to stay young. It is quite ironic that a lot of beautiful models are smokers. Why? As well as destroying your health, smoking also ruins your skin and teeth. You can often tell if somebody is a heavy smoker by the lines around their lips, their yellow teeth and it doesn’t do much for their breath either hence the endless supply of mints and chewing gum!
If you are based in the UK, you would have seen the Department of Health anti smoking ads featuring children saying how scared they are that their parents will die from smoking. The ad goes something along the lines of:
Kid speaking “I am not scared of spiders, I am not scared of bogeymen, I am not scared of water but I am scared my dad/mum is going to die from smoking” and the camera switches from child to adult smoking and back to terror stricken child.
Personally I thought they were great ads but the advertising watchdog ruled that they were too scary for young children. They have now been banned from being shown during the day. The Watchdog people believe kids will be in bed by 7.30 pm so the ads can be shown after this time.
BUT these ads are doing the public a huge service. The children of smokers stand a very real chance of losing their parents before they become adults. Smoking kills – the proof has been there for years.
Not only do their parents risk their own lives but they also risk their kid’s lives if they smoke in their home. Did you know that there are over 400 chemicals in the second hand smoke i.e. the fumes you inhale if someone near you is smoking? Over 85% of these fumes are invisible so blowing away the smoke you see is a waste of time? Most people believe that it is the smoke that smokers exhale that is the most dangerous. This is incorrect. The smoke containing the most poisonous fumes comes from the end of the lit cigarette although I wouldn’t stand around a smoker to argue this point.
If you are a smoker, are your kids constantly having ear infections? Do they suffer chest infections or breathing problems such as asthma? You may think that because you don’t smoke in front of them they won’t be affected. But you are wrong. The fumes from a cigarette hide in your house. The only way of keeping your kids safe is to keep your home a smoke free zone. Ask visitors to smoke outside. If you are a non smoker and somebody lights up near you, ask them to put it out or else move away.

There is no magic pill that will give you 100% guaranteed success. It is not going to be easy but YOU can do it. You will obviously have your own personal reasons for wanting to quit but it may help a little to outline in general terms what you will definitely gain when you stop smoking:
 From a medical perspective, the nicotine leaves your body within 48 hours. You might not be feeling great but you should notice your sense of smell and taste returning.
 Within 3 months your blood circulation will have improved. Some people complain that they suffer a tingling sensation when they try to quit smoking. They shouldn’t be complaining but rejoicing as this is a sign that their blood is circulating again. As blood carries the nutrients and oxygen we need to survive, you can see why it should be circulating rather than staying stagnant!
 Within two years, your chance of having a heart attack would be half that of a smoker.
 In ten years after your last cigarette, you have halved your risk of contracting lung cancer than you would have done if you kept smoking.
 With the price of cigarettes and the other increased costs associated with being a smoker (higher life cover premiums, health insurance etc), you should be better off financially when you quit.
So you know that you need to give up but how do you do it?

Most smokers have tried at some point to give up smoking – the first three months of quitting are statistically the time when you are most likely to fall back into your habit. If this has happened to you, please don’t give up. You can stop smoking. I did it; you have family and friends that have done it so you know it can be done. All you need is a little extra help, motivation, support or all three.
How can some people quit smoking whilst others try and fail more times than they care to remember. What distinguishes the two groups and which one will you fall into? Smoking is a habit and a habit starts and stops in your brain.
Nobody starts smoking because they enjoy the cigarette. They start because of peer pressure, a desire to be “cool”, to look older. They never start because they enjoy the taste of their first cigarette. Think about it – most of us choked on the smoke when we first tried to inhale.
You need to believe that you can learn how to stop smoking forever. There are various different ways to achieve this goal – the first step must be that you really want to give up. How you get rid of this habit is not as important as the decision to quit. Quitting takes commitment and perseverance. You can use all the tools such as chemical aids, self help, hypnosis, counseling or going cold turkey but you will FAIL unless you are committed to quitting.
The physical “addiction” to nicotine is the easiest to break. It is the physiological and emotional addictions that will be hardest. People who understand this have a higher chance of being successful.
Your personal commitment is the key to successful quitting. If you are giving up cigarettes because your wife or child wants you to you are less likely to be victorious. No amount of nagging or badgering will make a smoker win the battle to quit. Success starts and finishes with the individual who smokes. Most experts believe that you will be more successful in quitting if you believe that you are actually capable of stopping smoking. Some people find it is helpful if they have personal experience of the adverse effects of smoking e.g. a close family member dying from lung cancer. Others find that you need to believe that you will be better off either financially or health-wise by not smoking.
In other words, you the individual need to truly believe and want to stop smoking for reasons that will benefit you. You cannot be nagged into not smoking despite your other half’s best attempts. You and only you can make this work. Family members can offer support but the buck starts and stops with you.
You may need some form of professional support when you give up. As the side effects of smoking are costing health authorities the world over billions every year, they have begun to realise that they will save money by helping smokers to quit. Depending on where you live, you will probably find stop smoking clinics, counseling, support groups and other forms of therapy available either free or at a heavily subsidised rate.
The side effects you may suffer if you quit smoking:
Some people suffer no side effects whilst others become miserable. I believe it depends on your state of mind – if you are determined to quit and ignore all the reports of the awful withdrawal symptoms you may just find that you don’t suffer any. Don’t underestimate the power of your mind.
People are generally afraid of the following:
Weight gain due to being hungry – if it were true that people gained lots of weight when they give up smoking –all smokers would be thin and all non smokers would be fat. This is obviously not the case so put this fear into perspective. Some people will gain weight but it will not be a significant amount. Believe me the risk to your health posed by smoking far outweighs this small gain. You will be able to reduce your risk of gaining weight by following a healthy eating plan which is designed to keep your blood sugars stable. This should prevent you from snacking which would lead to the weight gain.
Lack of concentration – this probably has less to do with any physical addiction to the nicotine and other chemicals found in cigarettes than you think. Smokers who are trying to quit can find it hard to focus on anything other than their “longing” for a cigarette. This is not the same as a lack of concentration. You can deal with the craving by distracting yourself, having a drink of water or try deep breathing.
Increases in stress levels – smokers have been manipulated into believing their cigarette reduces their stress levels. You need to find another healthier way of dealing with stress. It is pointless telling you to relax as being stressed helps keep us alive. It is only when stress becomes overwhelming that problems occur. So take up walking or swimming and exercise those tensions away.
A lot of people will recommend that you try to give up slowly i.e. if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, you should cut down to 15 or 10 for a while until gradually you will have cut down to five or less a day. Others find using aids such as patches, gum or nasal sprays help them whilst for others the old fashioned cold turkey is the way to go.
We will discuss the pros and cons of each approach later but for now we need to determine what you need to do regardless of the method you are going to use to stop smoking.

You need to make a plan. Never was the old saying – “failing to plan means planning to fail” so true than when applied to those trying to quit. Smoking is a habit as well as a physical addiction so to conquer both you have to know exactly what is ahead of you and plan accordingly.

Adopt the Boy Scout motto – be prepared!
Preparation is everything. You will probably need the support of your family and friends to help you to stop. They need to be aware (and will hopefully support) your decision so that they do not put temptation in your path. This is particularly important if they also smoke.
But if you wish to remain private about your intention to quit, that is fine too. I would suggest that you consider signing up to an online forum under an assumed name or making contact with a telephone based stop smoking service so that you have somewhere to go for guidance, help and support if you find your will power is failing.
 You should make a list of the reasons why you want to quit smoking. Carry that list around with you so when the temptation to smoke is becoming difficult to deal with, you can look at your list and hopefully find a reason not to smoke.
 Make a list of the people, places and activities you associate most with smoking. If for example you always have a drink and a smoke together, you may want to consider giving up alcohol for the first couple of weeks as well. That will give you time to break the association between these two activities.
 Draw up your alternate list i.e. a catalogue of new activities that you can take up. These won’t have any association with smoking and you will be able to help offset the craving for your old habit by concentrating on developing skills and perhaps making friends.
 You need to pick a day that you are going to stop smoking on. This shouldn’t be today as we want you to have the maximum chance of success. So pick a day a couple of weeks away and try and pick a stress free one. Now, I know it is difficult to pick stress free days in advance, but if you know your mother in law is coming to stay or you have a huge presentation at work – that would not be the ideal time to quit.
 So pick the date that suits you best. Work on the basis that you are going to be successful and plan a series of treats that you are going to use as rewards for your progress. For example, you could buy yourself a new book or bag after you have had one complete day not smoking. Work up the rewards getting bigger and better ones as the time goes by. With the price of a packet of cancer sticks these days, you could probably afford a nice holiday after being smoke free for a while.

Before you reach the day you have chosen to quit, you need to know how you are going to support yourself in your goal of becoming a non smoker. Are you going to use nicotine replacement therapy? If so will it be gum, patches or the spray? Perhaps you are going to try using medications. If you have decided to go cold turkey you may want to consider joining a support group or counseling session.
Find out about each method and then make your decision.
Nicotine replacement therapy
Nicotine based stop smoking aids generally come in three types i.e. gum, patches or nasal spray. Supporters of this approach say it makes quitting easier as you help the body slowly cure its addiction to nicotine. These products should only be used under medical supervision and are not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, anybody with severe health problems or recent stroke victims.
The tissues in your mouth are extremely absorbent so nicotine based gum is often used to help wean heavy smokers off their nicotine habit. You do need to remember that this gum is another source of nicotine which is a highly toxic substance adversely affecting your body. Do not exceed the recommended level of use despite the fact that nicotine gum is available without a prescription. And it is worth bearing in mind that quite a number of ex smokers become addicted to nicotine gum instead. This can cause its own problems as you are only supposed to use the gum for six months.

The gum can cause nausea, mouth sores and irritation of your throat, a racing heartbeat as well as leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
Nicotine patches are generally only recommended for a period of three to six months to help reduce your withdrawal symptoms. The theory is that this sticker will release low levels of nicotine into your body thus helping you to reduce your dependency on this highly addictive substance. The patches are convenient as you can wear them somewhere inconspicuous so long as they are on the upper part of your body.
Patches can cause skin irritation and sleep problems – speak to your doctor as he may want to reduce the strength of the patch. Studies have shown that patches are not particularly effective in those that smoke less than 10 cigarettes a day. You should never use a patch whilst you are still smoking unless advised to by your doctor.
Nasal Spray
The lining of your nose is one of the most absorbent places in your body so some doctors advocate a nicotine based spray for the initial 3 to 6 month period.
As the above products contain nicotine, side effects are common and include dizziness, insomnia and in the cases of patches, some nasal and throat irritation. People with a history of breathing problems such as Asthma should not use this form of nicotine replacement therapy. It is not particularly suitable for those that suffer from sinusitis or nasal polyps as it can exacerbate both these conditions.

Some doctors will recommend a prescription anti-depressant as a stop smoking aid. Whilst these drugs do not contain nicotine, they help to reduce the craving for nicotine by releasing chemicals into your brain.
Some newer drugs work by reducing the pleasant effects of the nicotine on your brain so you suffer less from withdrawal symptoms but they also lower your enjoyment of the actual cigarette.
They are sometimes used in conjunction with nicotine replacement therapy as a combination of both treatments has had a higher success rate in those patients who were very heavy smokers.
This type of treatment should only be undertaken if prescribed by a doctor.
Alternative treatments;
Use of alternative medicine is rising in the battle to cure smokers. There is less conclusive evidence that these treatments work as they are not subject to the rigorous testing associated with medical products. But if you already believe in alternative medicine, then one or more of these may be worth a try.
The use of magnets to stop smoking is a relatively new practice. These bio-magnets are designed to be worn on your upper left ear, for at least two hours, where they stimulate specific nerve cells. Fans of this treatment claim that it is extremely successful. My view – if you believe strongly enough that something will work, it will. So if you believe in the power of magnets, this treatment may be successful for you.

Paul McKenna and others like him have helped to make hypnosis more acceptable particularly when it is integrated with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). You have the option of using a hypnosis CD, attending a seminar or booking one to one sessions. You should go with whichever option suits you best. It may help some people to be with a room full of other addicts all trying to find a cure. Other people work best in private so would prefer the personal attention of a private consultation.
You need to take care when using a hypnotist. Try and find someone who has a built up a professional reputation being successful at helping other smokers to quit. Beware of charlatans who are more interested in helping you to empty your wallet than to cure your habit. Hypnosis is not the 100% easy cure that some adverts would have you believe but there is too much anecdotal evidence suggesting that it does work to dismiss it out of hand.
Acupuncture releases endorphins which are the body’s natural feel good hormones. These help to calm nerves and reduce the physiological stress associated with giving up your habit. The fear of the anticipated withdrawal symptoms is often a lot worse than the actual physical symptoms. Acupuncture helps deal with this fear so might prove useful when quitting. Again seek recommendations as not all acupuncturists were created equal!
Herbal medicines
As yet there is no scientific proof that any herbal medicines will help to wean you away from your cigarettes.

Going cold turkey
Surprisingly given its bad reputation, this is one of the most tried and tested ways of giving up the smoking habit. Preparation is key as is the commitment to quit. Depending on the number of cigarettes you smoke and the extent of your addiction you may find you suffer some unpleasant side effects. But a lot of people suffer these effects as they have convinced themselves that they will rather than the actual nicotine withdrawal. It is a bit like the placebo effect in a drugs trial – a lot of patients will find themselves cured when all they have taken is a sugar pill whilst believing they were on a wonder drug.
Let your family and friends know of your decision to quit only if you are 100% certain that they will be supportive of your choice. Most families will be but your smoking buddies may want you to fail – they already know that their numbers are dwindling.
You could consider joining an internet forum or chat room and finding other people to go cold turkey at the same time. Then when you are having a bad moment or a day full of bad moments, you have a support network there to help you get through the tough times.
Alternatively most States now provide telephone quit smoking help lines – studies have shown that you are twice as likely to be successful if you have access to these types of services.
Always talk to your doctor before going cold turkey particularly if you have a preexisting medical condition or you are a very heavy smoker. He may advise that your system would react adversely to the sudden withdrawal of the nicotine and other highly addictive toxins in cigarettes. He may suggest that you would be better off gradually reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke until you eventually end up at zero.

Your doctor will also be up to date on the best services and help available to you in your battle to quit. As we said above, most developed countries now realize that it is actually cheaper to fund non smoking and quit smoking programs then it is to deal with the cost of cancer and similar diseases caused by this addiction. So you may find that you have access to a local support group, telephone consoling etc. Take all the help you can get as you may need it.
If you are in relatively good health, going cold turkey will probably not be as bad as it first sounds. Keep yourself busy but not stressed and you should be fine. Some ex smokers advocate you doing volunteer work on a lung cancer or emphysema ward whilst you are trying to quit. The idea being that if you don’t quit, you could very well end up as the next patient. Having the motivation to beat your habit may just come a little easier after one day on a ward like that described.
Just don’t turn into one of those ex smokers who make it their mission in life to convert every smoker to their new status. It is easier to stay a non smoker, especially in the early days, when you don’t put yourself in temptations path.
Counselors work in different ways to help you achieve your status as a non smoker. Some counselors believe that you are more addicted to the “fear” of giving up rather than to the physical nicotine addiction.
What fear? You want to give up because you want to become healthier so where is the anxiety coming from? Well, most smokers are afraid they will suffer some reaction to giving up. They may be afraid that they are going to put on weight (particularly prevalent amongst female smokers), or that they will become anxious or depressed without their cigarettes.
Take care if you are tempted by the” instant easy success with no work on your part” cures for smoking. Whilst it is very possible to give up smoking and thousands of people do every day, it is not simple and it is does take work in the form of will power on your behalf. If it didn’t, the statistics wouldn’t show that almost 70% of smokers want to quit but only between 4% and 7% are successful. Don’t you think if it were easy to quit, these statistics would not be so telling i.e. less than 10% of the people who say they want to quit are successful.
The biggest challenge is not the physical withdrawal from nicotine – if it were that easy then the gums and patches would be 100% effective. No the biggest challenge is the addiction that lives in your brain. People who have smoked for years have unconsciously associated smoking with most every day activities. This is why it is so important to tackle your habits as well as the physical addiction. Earlier we made a list of all places, people and activities that you associate with smoking. Now you need to look at the list and see how you can either change your perception or else avoid these places.

So you have made your plan, selected a date to quit and taken action finding out which method you are going to use to stop smoking forever.
So Q day arrives – what do you do?
Well you are almost guaranteed that today of all days will be the one where you think about nothing other than that cigarette. Why? Are you suddenly craving nicotine? Not really. You have built up some anticipation before this date and it is only natural to now be concentrating on smoking. So again our preparation will help us.
We know that today we do not smoke under any circumstances – not one tiny little puff. And no excuses – you can’t fool yourself and at the moment nobody else matters.
You need to try to focus your thoughts elsewhere. Keep active whether that means going out to play a game of golf, football or any other sport – it will keep your hands busy as well as your mind!
Drink plenty of water and fruit juices but avoid alcohol. You need all the will power you can drum up and drinking alcohol will interfere with it.
You know which situations, people and places are most likely to tempt you to smoke so avoid them, today particularly.
Make sure you have your reward ready and waiting for the clock to strike your first full day as a non smoker This is an ongoing war and you need to congratulate yourself on the little battles you win in order to stay motivated.

Take it hour by hour and then day by day. Countless studies have shown that accomplishing a series of little goals will lead to big success. Setting yourself what appears to be an impossible target i.e. I can’t wait until I am a non smoker for a year will only set yourself on the road to failure. Rather start off with a target of being a non smoker for an hour, half a day, a day, a week, a month etc.
When you first quit, you should help yourself as much as possible by staying away from temptation. Spend time with people who don’t smoke and don’t allow you to smoke in their presence.
As time goes by you may be lulled into a false sense of security believing you are cured. Then a longing for a cigarette will hit you like a brick from the sky. You may even give into your desire. One cigarette won’t necessarily turn you back into a smoker but is it worth the risk? If you do succumb, don’t allow that one smoke to rationalise you becoming a smoker again. There is a huge difference between giving into one craving and suddenly smoking a packet of 20.
If you find yourself being tempted, take out your lists and remind yourself of all the reasons you wanted to quit. Look at what you have achieved and how far you have come. And then get busy until the urge has passed.
Congratulate yourself on your achievements and look forward to the rest of your life as a non smoker!

Top Ten April Fools' Pranks Of 2012

1- Mini Cooper Yachtsman: Mini announced it would debut this amphibious vehicle at the New York Auto Show. Features include a body-colored exhaust snorkel, emergency sail, waterproof upholstery with seat-cushion flotation devices, a Marine Chronometer for celestial navigation, room to sleep two, a host of fishing gear, a pirate flag, and an eyepatch.

2-Mini Cowley Caravan and Swindon Tent: Another joke from the mischievous Mini brand, it announced the Cowley caravan and Swindon rooftop tent. Those who looked closely would have noticed the “JOKE 2012” and “HOAX 2012” license plates on the pictured vehicles. The Cowley caravan is a small trailer with two sleeping bays, and the Swindon tent pops up on the roof of the car.

3-Callaway HyperVolt: This Callaway-tuned Chevrolet Volt features 10,000 volts of power, a 120,000-rpm redline, and a top speed of just under 400 miles per hour. Owners’ homes can be fitted with a high-voltage charger, charging the HyperVolt in just 10 seconds (with a dramatic drop in current for the rest of the neighborhood.

4-Google Racing’s Autonomous NASCAR Entry: Perhaps our favorite of this year’s April 1 pranks. Google and NASCAR partnered up to bring self-driving vehicles to the race series. Google even had video of its stock car doing burnouts while the “driver” held his hands out the window. Too bad this is just a joke.

5-Ford Mustang Sedan: Road & Track brought us this fine fabrication, when it showed pictures of a four-door Ford Mustang. The very dry write-up is convincing, but R&T later gave up the ruse with a single line: “Update: April Fools.” Follow the link in the text below for more images of the Mustang Sedan that could have been.

6-Kia’s Lonely Singles Navigation System: From Kia’s Google+ page: “We have developed a new navigation technology that will introduce you to single Kia owners nearby by matching your dating preferences with other Kia owners on the road. The system will show available singles nearby via our new Front Operational Organic Light Emitting Display (FOOLED). The scheduled launch date is set for April 1st 2013.”

7-Peugeot RCZ With Mood Paint: Peugeot playfully announced a color-changing version of the RCZ coupe. Temperature sensors in the steering wheel gauge the driver’s mood, and change the exterior color of the car accordingly: dark blue for sad, yellow for happy, green for relaxed, etc.

8-Honda TERII Anti-Theft Negotiator: This is one we’d love to get. If someone tries to steal your Honda, it begins by reasoning with the thief (“Have you ever been to prison? You will be traded for a pack of cigarettes.”). Then it collects personal data, and begins threatening the offender. While it may not have fooled us, it did get us laughing.

9-Babies Love Darth Vader’s TomTom Navigation Voice: TomTom said it would be releasing a version of its GPS navigation system using Star Wars villain Darth Vader’s voice. The company claimed that it had found through extensive research that the evil Sith’s breathy voice soothed child passengers, thus allowing the driver a cabin free from the distraction of crying babies.

10- It's up to you, that means that every one write his April Fool and we'll choose together the best one to be the tenth, so let's get started waiting for your comments

الخميس، 26 يوليو 2012


“If you want to be really successful, find out what God wants to you to do with your life and then dedicate yourself to achieving it”.
 what a great quot, from here your road will begin cause this is the way for success
 At the time, I didn’t really like that idea; I did not believe that my life could have any particular purpose and I did not think that anything God might have in mind would be of any interest to me in any case. Gradually, I have come to believe that what that person said to me, all those years ago, is true.

As human beings, we all share certain basic wants and needs: we have need for food, water, shelter, safety, love, respect and self esteem. We all share an in-built tendency, as Freud stated, to want to move away from pain and toward pleasure. This tendency is part of the human condition for our own good; it keeps us away from harm and generally helps us to make good choices. Most people settle for pursuing a career that satisfies these basic human wants and needs and never really think beyond them to what their life could be about.
Somewhere along the line, I came to realise that what God wanted for my life, and what I wanted, were one and the same thing. This understanding came after I had determined to find out what God actually wanted me to do with my life.

What are you doing with your Life? Would you say you are living your dream or are you living from hand to mouth, making the best of things; just getting to the next week; what we might call existing rather than living?
If you are living your dream, then well done: you are truly on the road to success. If you are not living your dream - or even if you have no dream at present - then do not despair because this little book was written for you. We are going to help you to find your dream, develop it and then to actually achieve it!
To live a truly successful life, you do need to first have a dream. As Carl Sandburg, American historian, poet and novelist put it, "nothing happens unless first a dream".
If you think about it, nothing at all now exists within our experience of physical reality that did not first exist in the mind of the person who made it or brought it into being. In all cases, everything is created twice: the physical creation follows the mental creation.
To succeed, you must have a dream, or you may prefer to call it a vision, and you must completely commit yourself to its ultimate fulfilment - that is the essence of the mental creation.
Here is one of the real secrets of success: you should dream big dreams because you can have anything you want! Read that statement again and let it really sink in because it is true that you can have anything you want

you can be anything you want to be and you can do anything you want to do. This may at first seem self-indulgent, but remember, your deepest desires were implanted by God.
What does it mean: to commit yourself to your dream? To illustrate, let me tell you a little about the story of Charles Lindbergh. You know, of course who he was - he was the first person to fly the Atlantic solo - non-stop all the way to Paris. An incredible feat which he eventually accomplished in May 1927.
He used to dream of flying the Atlantic during his long-haul flights delivering mail. Once he had imagined the possibility of being the first person to do this, he completely committed himself to its achievement overcoming all kinds of set-backs. He did not allow the negative opinions of the doubters who surrounded him to influence his resolve.
When he was unable to purchase the single aircraft in existence that he calculated would be capable of making that momentous journey, he had his own airplane designed and built. He didn't have the money, but he got a group of St Louis businessmen to sponsor him - that's why the plane was called The Spirit of St Louis - now that's commitment!
Once you have your dream, you too need to demonstrate that kind of resolve - and let me tell you plainly - you are capable of it!
It requires you to take actions that are congruent with your wishes in order to translate them into reality, but the first step is to have that dream - your own dream, not anyone else's ideas about what is best for you in life - and then absolutely commit yourself to its achievement.

Once you have committed yourself to achieving your dream, you should begin to notice something rather odd starting to happen in your life: the universe actually begins to help you to achieve it!
You just need to be Open-Minded - that is, you need to be ready and willing to receive what the universe (you might prefer to say God) has in store for you. Some people call this principle the Law of Attraction, but whatever you call it, it is quite true that you will absolutely set in motion unseen forces which will definitely assist you with the manifestation of your dream.
People, events and circumstances will be drawn to you that will actually assist you in the achievement of your dream. You can probably only fully accept this truth when you experience it for yourself and once you have committed to your dream, you will begin to experience it. Things will start to happen. They may seem like co-incidence at first, but you are now living in an altered reality.
As an example of this principle in action, let's take a brief look at the true story of Rudy Ruettiger. You may know that Rudy had a dream. His dream - now the subject of a truly inspiring movie - was to play football for Notre Dame. Everyone told him it couldn't be done. But this is how the universe helped him to achieve his dream.
When he was 22 years old, a friend bought him a Notre Dame jacket for his birthday. When he presented it to Rudy, he commented, 'Rudy, you were born to wear this jacket!' These words resonated with something

deep within and he resolved, there and then, to do something about it. So he took a bus bound for South Bend, Indiana with the specific goal of meeting the Notre Dame Championship football coach, Ara Parseghian, to discuss the matter further.
It turned out that Rudy needed to attend to his grades prior to ever being considered for Notre Dame which he did by attending Holly Cross Junior College. With nowhere to live, he slept in the maintenance room and after numerous applications and trials, Rudy was finally accepted to Notre Dame and eventually made the football team as a walk-on.
Rudy was not really considered good enough to pay for the team, but he never missed a practice match and was there suited-up during the final game of his senior year. Now many people in the crowd knew of Rudy's goal to play for the team and in the final minutes of the last game, the crowd started chanting: Ru-dy! Ru-dy! Ru-dy!
Coach Dan Devine was so moved that he put him into the game in the last 27 seconds and in the final play, he sacked the quarterback. Rudy was carried off the field in triumph on the shoulders of his team-mates.
When you carry your own dream within, you too will be able to touch the hearts and minds of the people around you in much the same way and it is a truly wonderful and uplifting experience when you find out for yourself that the universe does indeed help you to achieve your goal.

If having a dream and committing to its ultimate achievement is something like plotting your final destination ahead of an exciting journey, then persistence is rather like the engine you need in order to get there.
Persistence is what drives you on to take the next step in your journey; persistence is what prevents you from getting discouraged by what may have happened in the past; persistence is where the rubber meets the road!
Here is a story, of unknown origin, that perfectly illustrates what persistence is all about ...
There was a certain young man who went to meet a famous guru to ask the question, "which way is success?"
The wise old sage did not speak. Instead, he pointed to some place far off in the distance. The man, delighted at the thought of quick success, took off in the appropriate direction. But, suddenly, there was a loud noise – a kind of "splat!" Eventually, the man staggered back, surprised and a bit bruised too. Assuming he must have misunderstood the message, he repeated his question. The guru again pointed silently in the same direction.
The man walked away once more and, after a little time, there was another loud “splat!” noise. When the man crawled back, he was stunned, hurt, and angry too. "Hey" he shouted at the guru, "I asked you which way is success? I followed your directions and all I got splatted! Will you quit all of this pointing malarkey and talk!"

Only then did the wise old man speak, and what he said was this: "Success IS that way, just a little further on than the splat!"
Translating your dream into an action plan and then constantly taking actions, each and every day that move you in the direction of your goal is what will get you there in the end. No matter how big your goal, you can get there if you will keep your destination in mind and then continually take actions that move you toward the goal.

When you meet an obstacle, as you inevitably will, persistence determines what you will do; whether you will give up or keep going. Persistence is what gets you back on your feet, dusted down and ready to go again.
Persistence is what gets you past SPLAT!

It is a sound NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) principle that to become successful, we need to notice what is working, and what is not, and be prepared to change our approach in order to get what we want - that is the essence of flexibility.
A wise person once said, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." That is a wonderfully true statement. In other words, if you continue doing exactly what you are now doing, then don't be surprised when you don't see any increase or change in your results.
It is the law of cause and effect in operation. The results you are now getting (effects) are the product of the causes (efforts) you have set in motion sometime in the past. To get greater benefits in the future, you need to change what you are doing in the present in order to produce them.
Whilst persistence is an important quality, persistence without flexibility can indeed be futile because, without some flexibility in your approach, you could end up trying to move an immovable object for the rest of your life. The willingness to constantly change what we are now doing and to also demonstrate persistence is what gets us around seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
So notice exactly what is working for you and notice what is not. Change your approach in some way - you will need to brainstorm various approaches - then continue to observe. By continually changing your approach and finding what works and what doesn't, you will literally become unstoppable.
As an example, consider the story of Kevin Keegan, the famous English footballer (soccer) and eventually manager of England. Kevin was told that he would never become a footballer because he was not talented enough, he was not strong enough and he was too small.

It would have been easy enough for him to just give up after all, these people telling him he would never make it were all professionals. Surely they should have known what they were talking about! What did Kevin actually do? Well there was nothing he could do about his height, so he worked on what he could. He worked on his physique until he built a strong, powerful frame and he also worked on his basic ball skills.
After several tryouts, he was eventually signed as an apprentice for Scunthorpe United in 1967. He became a full professional 12 months later and, in 1971, moved to Liverpool F.C. where he played on the winning team in the FA Cup (1974), the European Cup (1977), the UEFA Cup (1973 and 1976) and the Football League (1972-3 and 1976-7).
Kevin eventually became the captain of England, winning 63 caps between 1972 and 1982, and he became European Footballer of the Year in 1978 and 1979. He did it all by being flexible in his approach and persistent in the face of unfavourable odds.
Sometimes, I tell Kevin's story at my Workshop events and sometimes people will say something like this:
'What about all the people who tried and tried but still never made it?'
My answer is that Kevin would also have just been another statistic along with the rest of them if he had not demonstrated these qualities. Kevin was a winner and you too can become a winner. To become a winner, you simply need to internalise these qualities.
If you really want success, in whatever field of endeavour you are pursuing, you can have it - yes you can! But you need to be prepared to work for it - to do whatever it takes. Finding out and then doing whatever it takes is the quality of flexibility.

There will be many people who will tell you that you will never, or simply cannot, achieve your dream. They are the 80% of people who once had a dream but have now settled for something less. They are the children who once stood in line at school, believing they would one-day become pilots, doctors, actors, singers, ballerinas, missionaries, air-hostesses and so on.
But their experience of life gradually ground them down and their dreams were reluctantly put away. Those dreams still live somewhere, deep down within their hearts, but they no longer believe that they are achievable.
First, their parents worked on them, questioning their abilities, doubting their chances and telling them that they once had the same dreams. Their parents told them they needed to grow-up, be more responsible and life would work out just great.
Then their teachers worked on them, saying that we all have such ambitions, but in the real-world, you needed a trade, a job, a career - and that life had so very few of these exciting opportunities. They ingrained the attitude of the 'scarcity mentality' into their charges, rather than the 'abundance mentality'. They told these children that there just wasn't enough good stuff to go around.
Finally, their friends worked on them as they also settled for the jobs on offer. They questioned, what was so wrong with being a sales-person, a plumber, a secretary or a brick-layer? The world needed these trades-people (and so it does) and there was nothing wrong with making an honest living by providing these services. That was how, gradually, their beliefs about the world were changed and they came to believe that it would not be possible to reach the heights they had once dreamed of, and so, they made their decision to settle for less; much less.

Attitude affects so many things in life. Sales-people are told they must maintain a positive mental attitude because it ultimately affects their sales, sports-people are told to cultivate a winner's attitude because it affects their performance. The laws of success tell us to cultivate a grateful attitude but why should thankfulness affect our success?
It may be difficult, at first, to see exactly how thankfulness, or gratitude, can be such an important key to your success, but by seeking to maintain an 'attitude of gratitude' you are indeed tapping into the timeless laws of success.
Thankfulness is fundamentally related to positivity and negativity. It is so much easier to be positive about your life and the things that are going on in it right now when you are grateful. As A. W. Tozer once commented, ‘a thankful heart cannot be cynical’.
The work-place is full of people who are cynical; ready to run the company down, run the boss down and run the industry down and, do you know something? They can, and do, actually produce the evidence that supports their beliefs. Such people are also employing the laws of success but, by talking about what they do not like, they are using the principles to attract what they don't want. Their reality simply reinforces their views about the company, the boss, the industry and whatever else has been the subject of their negativity.

It is impossible to think about passion without reference to the heart. Deep within your heart, there is a desire, the pursuit of which will bring you all the happiness, success and fulfilment you really want. To find your passion is to identify your own unique purpose in life; to live your passion is to achieve the Deepest Desire of Your Heart.
You can achieve whatever you want. You can be the person you were meant to be and you can really live the life of your dreams. Those are bold statements but they are true and more and more people are discovering this wonderful truth for themselves. But if this is indeed true, then why is it that so many people - we think the figure is around 80% - are pursuing jobs and careers they don't really care about?
For our parents and grandparents, growing up in a world with comparatively few opportunities, it is true to say that their lives were consumed with the whole business of 'making a living' - looking after what Abraham Maslow called their physiological and social needs. They worked hard and never really enjoyed the luxury of considering what might be termed the 'higher needs' of the human condition.
Many people in today's workplace are indeed seeking to reach higher and often people think they have reached their peak when they have started to meet their 'esteem' needs, that is, the basic human need for respect, recognition and responsibility. For many people, this means pursuing an interesting career rather than just getting a job.
However, for very many people, there is still an inner emptiness. Often, this emptiness is experienced more starkly when they have actually become successful in their chosen careers. They start to wonder exactly what life has been about. The trappings of success: promotion, automobile and house did not bring about the happiness they anticipated. This is a consequence, as Stephen Covey puts it, of climbing the ladder of success only to find when they reach the top that, all along, the ladder has been leaning against the wrong wall.
To really achieve success in life, you must be bold enough to go even higher; to consider what Maslow called Self Actualisation. This means becoming the person you were meant to be and living the life you were meant to live. Only by doing this, can you possibly hope to find the true success you really desire.

You are a truly unique person: you can tell this simply by taking a moment or two to look at your thumb print. Do that now – go on, humour me – take a look at your thumb print and know this: you are the only person who has ever lived who has had that thumb print! Isn’t that truly amazing? In fact, it is even more amazing than that because, as it turns out, you are the only person who will ever have that thumb print.
So you already know, in your heart that you are unique. But also know that this uniqueness extends to your purpose in life. You are called to achieve something significant with your life! Do not make the mistake of believing that life holds no purpose for you. Remember that you are here only once. This is your life - right now - so make sure you find the courage to live the life you were born to live.
Our mission is to help people to develop their own unique talents, abilities and passion in order that they may lead more meaningful, joyful and fulfilled lives. We can achieve this if you will help us to spread our message.
This humble little book contains an important message for the people of our own time. Just imagine for a moment what would happen if millions of people were to decide to start living the lives they were born to live - just think of the amazing transformation that would result. The most astonishing power, operating for good, would be unleashed within the world if a substantial number of individuals committed themselves to finding and achieving their unique calling.
Now is it really possible that millions of people could be so affected? Well, with your help, I believe we can indeed reach the world with this important message. For the first time in our history, we do have a method of achieving this. The internet is truly an amazing place.
To achieve this goal, all that is necessary is for you to recommend this book anyone who you think would benefit. That really is all that is necessary because this message will naturally multiply if you will help. Eventually it will reach the right people and touch the hearts and minds of those people who need to hear its message.


Insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for payment. An insurer is a company selling the insurance; the insured, or policyholder, is the person or entity buying the insurance policy. The amount to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage is called the premium. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice.
The transaction involves the insured assuming a guaranteed and known relatively small loss in the form of payment to the insurer in exchange for the insurer's promise to compensate (indemnify) the insured in the case of a financial (personal) loss. The insured receives a contract, called the insurance policy, which details the conditions and circumstances under which the insured will be financially compensated.
Insurance involves pooling funds from many insured entities (known as exposures) to pay for the losses that some may incur. The insured entities are therefore protected from risk for a fee, with the fee being dependent upon the frequency and severity of the event occurring. In order to be insurable, the risk insured against must meet certain characteristics in order to be an insurable risk. Insurance is a commercial enterprise and a major part of the financial services industry, but individual entities can also self-insure through saving money for possible future losses
 Do you know that Insurance word Is the highest searched word ratio on google and yahoo search ?
 If you are one of the people who searches for Insurance word comment on this post please 


The service allows users to communicate with peers by voice, video, and instant messaging over the Internet. Phone calls may be placed to recipients on the traditional telephone networks. Calls to other users within the Skype service are free of charge, while calls to landline telephones and mobile phones are charged via a debit-based user account system. Skype has also become popular for its additional features, including file transfer, and videoconferencing. Competitors include SIP and H.323-based services, such as Empathy, Linphone, Ekiga as well as the Google Talk service.
Skype has 663 million registered users as of September 2011. The network is operated by Microsoft, which has its Skype division headquarters inLuxembourg. Most of the development team and 44% of the overall employees of the division are situated in Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia.
Unlike most VoIP services, Skype is a hybrid peer-to-peer and client–server system. It makes use of background processing on computers running Skype software. Skype's original proposed name (Sky Peer-to-Peer) reflects this fact.
Some network administrators have banned Skype on corporate, government, home, and education networks, citing reasons such as inappropriate usage of resources, excessive bandwidth usage, and security concerns.
Do you know that most of Skype users used to take their clothes of in front of Skype using webcam :D
who's from those users ?? we all love this :D

Peagout RCZ new mood paint technology between “Myth” and “Reality”

We all heard about the new innovation in paint technology from Peagout RCZ, but how many of us believed that it’s a truth ?
I believe that Peagout can do it but till now I didn’t see this amazing car with this technology.
This technology is an amazing idea but it is like anything that is not all good, I mean that this technology is great in reflecting the driver mood with a color but it’s a nightmare for police, as they won’t detect the car color if a thief was driving Peagout RCZ, the police officer will go crazy he will tell his colleagues "They had a red car! No wait, mighta been orange. But then was kinda blue as they rounded the corner...with a subtle shift toward teal... maybe got a little warmer... perhaps forest green... was really quite lovely...” so funny, isn’t it ?
Despite the danger of this but it’s a genius idea and I hope it be real 

The ipad

On January 27, 2010, Apple introduced their much-anticipated media tablet, the iPad running a modified version of iOS. It offers multi-touch interaction with multimedia formats including newspapers, magazines, ebooks, textbooks, photos, movies, TV shows videos, music, word processing documents, spreadsheets, video games, and most existing iPhone apps. It also includes a mobile version of Safari for web browsing, as well as access to the App Store, iTunes Library, iBooks Store, contacts, and notepad. Content is downloadable via Wi-Fi and optional 3G service or synced through the user's computer. AT&T was initially the sole US provider of 3G wireless access for the iPad.

On March 2, 2011, Apple introduced an updated iPad model which had a faster processor and two cameras on the front and back respectively. The iPad 2 also added support for optional 3G service provided by Verizon in addition to the existing offering by AT&T. However, the availability of the iPad 2 has been limited as a result of the devastating earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Japan in March 2011.
On March 7, 2012, Apple introduced the iPad 3, aka, "The New iPad". The iPad 3 added LTE service from AT&T or Verizon and an upgraded processor, the A5X. It also added the "Retina" display (2048 by 1536 resolution) originally found on the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. The dimensions and form factor remained relatively unchanged, with "The New iPad" being a fraction thicker and heavier than the previous version, and minor positioning changes.
Since the tablet launched in 2010, iPad users have downloaded 3 billion apps, while the total App Store downloads is up to over 25 billion downloads. 

Topic about “Facebook”

Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, owned and operated by Facebook, Inc. As of May 2012[update], Facebook has over 900 million active users, more than half of them using Facebook on a mobile device. Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "People From Work" or "Close Friends". The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other. Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the site.

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. However, according to a May 2011 Consumer Reports survey, there are 7.5 million children under 13 with accounts and 5 million under 10, violating the site's terms of service.
A January 2009 Compete.com study ranked Facebook as the most used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users. Entertainment Weekly included the site on its end-of-the-decade "best-of" list, saying, "How on earth did we stalk our exes, remember our co-workers' birthdays, bug our friends, and play a rousing game of Scrabulous before Facebook?" Critics, such as Facebook Detox, state that Facebook has turned into a national obsession that results in vast amounts of time lost and innately encourages narcissism. Quantcast estimates Facebook has 138.9 million monthly unique U.S. visitors in May 2011. According to Social Media Today, in April 2010 an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population had a Facebook account. Nevertheless, Facebook's market growth started to stall in some regions, with the site losing 7 million active users in the United States and Canada in May 2011. Facebook purchased fb.com on January 11, 2011 for 8.5 million dollars making the acquisition of FB.com one of the ten highest domain sales in history. Again in 2012 it bought the photo sharing website Instagram for 1 billion dollars.

الأربعاء، 25 يوليو 2012

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is best known as one of four co-founders of thesocial networking site Facebook, of which he is chairman and chief executive.
Born and raised in New York state, he took up writing software programs as a hobby in middle school, beginning with BASIC, with help from his father and a tutor (who called him a "prodigy"). In high school, he excelled in classic literature.
He later enrolled in Harvard, majoring in computer science and sociology. In his sophomore year he wrote a program called Facemash as a "fun" project, letting students on the college's network vote on other students' photo attractiveness. It was shut down within days, but would become a template for his writing Facebook, a program he launched from his dormitory room. With the help of friends, he took Facebook to other campuses nationwide and soon after moved to Palo Alto, California. By 2010, the site had an estimated 500 million users worldwide. Zuckerberg has since been involved in various legal disputes initiated by others who have claimed a share of the company's profits due to their help in setting it up.
Since 2010 Zuckerberg has been named among the 100 wealthiest and most influential people in the world by Time magazine's Person of the Year, In 2010 a fictionalized account of Zuckerberg creating Facebook while in college and its later start-up phase was made into a movie dramatization, The Social Network. 

Early life
Zuckerberg was born in 1984 in White Plains, New York. He is the son of Karen (née Kempner), a psychiatrist, and Edward Zuckerberg, a dentist. He and his three sisters, Randi, Donna, and Arielle, were brought up in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Zuckerberg was raised Jewish, had his bar mitzvah when he turned 13, and has since described himself as an atheist.
At Ardsley High School, Zuckerberg had excelled in the classics before transferring to Phillips Exeter Academy in his junior year, where he won prizes in science (math, astronomy and physics) and classical studies (on his college application, Zuckerberg listed as non-English languages he could read and write: French, Hebrew, Latin, and ancient Greek) and was a fencing star and captain of the fencing team. In college, he was known for reciting lines from epic poems such as The Iliad

الثلاثاء، 24 يوليو 2012

6 secrets for success

Success …success is how to reach your goal and be what dreamed to be, there is many ways for success for example to success in your knowledge journey or to success in exams, but there is a very special kind of success which I’m giving to you it’s secrets that is “SUCCESS IN MAKING PROFIT”.
To success in making profit is really an important thing, let’s see, I’ll ask you a question to let you know what do you really want, do you want to make money and reach your goals faster? I think you answered yourself by saying OFCURSE I WANT
Everyone in this world wants to make money and reach his goal and no one hates to be rich.
That it is not wrong to actually want to become rich. I think it is because so many people have been brought-up with the idea that the business of becoming wealthy is somehow wrong. Since you are reading this book, my hope is that you have already developed the understanding that it is this idea itself that is incorrect.
Napoleon Hill says that in order to receive the secret, you have to be ready to receive it; and that’s why he doesn’t give it out overtly. Rather, he allows the reader to discover it when he, or she, is ready to receive it – it is more powerful that way, he says.
First free your mind from thinking that the idea is wrong and set your goal and then you’ll be ready to receive the secret.
Napoleon Hill had said the secret could be found in every chapter of the book; and just like so many others I scoured the book only to find no one common thing in each chapter. 
The secret is certainly mentioned within each chapter of the book; though there are two chapters in particular in which the secret is quite plainly stated. One reason so many people fail to recognize it right there is because they are looking for something more profound. That’s probably why you need to read the book more than once.
The whole matter turns on whether or not you can believe what he says. Belief is the most important thing in this early stage because if you can’t believe what is being put forward, then you won’t try it; you won’t discover its power; and you will miss the secret for good. But if you are prepared to give it a try – and that means by following the instructions to-the-letter – then you open up the possibility of making a really life-changing discovery.
I believed what Hill said and I’m now trying to reach my goal, but I found that the way to reach my goal is not just for listening and reading advises, it by believing myself, believing that I got talent, believing that I can use my talent to make my road to reach my goal.
There 6 secrets that Napoleon Hill said in his book but there is one more secret which must be known before the 6 rest secrets which is “BELIEVING YOUR SELF” all you going to do is believing yourself, believe that you got a talent, believe that your mind can embodies your talent in the form of a road to reach for success, and this is not going to happen if you didn’t set your career and what you want to be and if you are not ready to be what you set to be, so before getting the secrets just free your mind and set your career and get ready to reach your goal which means  “BELIEVE IN YOU”
We will first take a look at how Napoleon Hill presents these steps and then we will go through each one in turn. So here are those six steps.
Here is Napoleon Hill’s Awesome Secret …
First: Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say "I want plenty of money." Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter).

Second: Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as "something for nothing.)

Third: Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

Fourth: Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.

Fifth: Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.

Sixth: Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. AS YOU READ— SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.
                                                                                  Napoleon Hill: Think & Grow Rich, Ch 2

You may say that these are silly and not important or that they can’t help in your business but really you’ll be wrong, these steps were followed by many millionaires beside that Napoleon Hill himself followed these step so be sure that you’ll figure out if you followed these steps you’ll make use of your work.